Le 9 avril 1917, le Corps Canadien attaqua les positions allemandes de Vimy Ridge. En l'honneur du 101eme anniversaire, voici un bref aperçu des projets de la Première Guerre mondiale et des efforts en cours:
Stan Hebben et Dries Chaerle au musée In Flanders Fields en Belgique lancent un projet intitulé «The Names List» pour recueillir des informations sur les victimes - militaires et civiles - qui sont mortes en Belgique au cours de la Première Guerre mondiale.
Rumours are rife of a #lodlam2024 being organized... #lod —
1 year 11 months ago
RT @ianmilligan1: The Common CV website flags "access and usability problems" c. June 2004.
The more things change, the more they st… https://t.co/9c7dj2sURp —
1 year 11 months ago
@wragge You know, it is almost impossible to tell how many ministries, departments or agencies a country has at any… https://t.co/OJcyviJQut —
2 years 4 months ago
Special mention to @SGatesHQ for the kick in the pants to get back to it. —
2 years 11 months ago
Putting a lot of work on the graves ontology these days. —
2 years 11 months ago