What is the business value of Linked Open Data? What is the business case that drives you to support / invest / develop into yet-another-platform and what will it do for your business/library/museum/archive/store-front? Anecdotal, academic and one-off examples aside, why should you care?
After a few hiccups with the SPARQL database and the web front end, the Muninn website will be undergoing some major re-work. I'll update this blog post as the new interface features go online. Update: Feb 23, 2012 - The SPARQL server at http://rdf.muninn-project.org/sparql is answering queries.
The first data dump from Library and Archives Canada has been shipped to the Sharcnet data-center and loaded onto the cluster for processing. The data contains scanned images of the enlistment papers of Canadian Expeditionary Force soldiers (about a million images) and the full personnel file of about 200 soldiers (about twenty thousand images). The hard drive was first picked up in Ottawa and then traveled with a Muninn staffer to Waterloo, Ontario to one of the Sharcnet machine rooms.
Rumours are rife of a #lodlam2024 being organized... #lod —
1 year 12 months ago
RT @ianmilligan1: The Common CV website flags "access and usability problems" c. June 2004.
The more things change, the more they st… https://t.co/9c7dj2sURp —
2 years 5 hours ago
@wragge You know, it is almost impossible to tell how many ministries, departments or agencies a country has at any… https://t.co/OJcyviJQut —
2 years 5 months ago
Special mention to @SGatesHQ for the kick in the pants to get back to it. —
2 years 11 months ago
Putting a lot of work on the graves ontology these days. —
2 years 11 months ago